Kevin’s Attention to Detail: A Perfect Match for Permagard
Kevin Coupechoux started his company in France in 2017 and has become one of Permagard’s most experienced applicators in the world. In 2018, he traveled from France all the way to Montreal in Canada to get certified on an aircraft being Permagarded at the renowned Bombardier aircraft manufacturing facility. Since that day, he regularly performs stellar Permagard applications in France and Switzerland, working on many different aircraft and helicopters.
His work speaks for itself, and we are so happy to have such an experienced, hard-working detailer represent our brand. Kevin’s work showcases what Permagard can do when it’s in the hands of an experienced applicator. From metal polishing to windshield restoration, his attention to detail perfectly complements his Permagard application jobs.

Contact Us for Your Permagard Transformation
Applicators like Kevin are the warriors of the detailing industry. If Kevin is a knight, Permagard is his shining sword, slashing away imperfections to make all aircraft shine like steel armor. If you are interested in becoming a “knight”, like Kevin, and joining “The Gard”, Permagard has the best sword for your business. It’s time to shine and see yourself in your brand! Contact us today at 305-662-5070 for more information or contact Kevin, if you are based in France or Switzerland, at +336-45-08-95-68!