PERMAGARD: Unrivaled Durability
At PERMAGARD, we create products that solidify the PERMAGARD standard. For over twenty years, our high performance, environmentally safe coatings have generated a quality standard that maintains a like-new appearance for the lifetime of the aircraft paint.
PERMAGARD products are purposefully crafted to create a protective, glossy coating for your aircraft. PERMAGARD prides itself on our cutting edge research and innovation in the aviation industry and has developed the standard in aviation protective coatings. PERMAGARD purposefully crafted products have been developed to hold the test of time and the longevity of your aircraft’s glossy coating.
A recent case study of a Global 6000 was repainted in Sherwin-Williams Jetglo Express at Duncan Aviation and was immediately treated with PERMAGARD before returning to operation on May 14th, 2019. As you can see, PERMAGARD products immediately created a protection coating that emotes shine and radiance to the aircraft.

Within the same hangar is this FALCON 900, which was treated Six years ago, prior to its delivery.

Falcon 900
Can you spot the difference?
PERMAGARD markets to develop products which are powered by technology, are sustainable, cost efficient but most importantly they are developed for unrivaled durability. With PERMAGARD you can see the power of the protective coating and how it holds up over time. Vendors are constantly working towards manufacturing paint systems which are in sync with the latest demands from the end-users. PERMAGARD is that demand. The PERMAGARD quality speaks for itself and achieves the standard of durability that your aircraft deserves.
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